Massage is a manipulative and body-based therapy that treats various conditions through bodily manipulation. Tuina and Zhiya are mainly two types of traditional Chinese massage. Similarly to acupuncture, the massage targets acupressure points but works using hands instead of needles.
Acupuncture is an alternative medicine methodology originating in ancient China that treats patients by manipulating thin, solid needles that have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin. According to Traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating these points can correct imbalances in the flow of qi through channels known as meridians, which can treat or cure diseases and disorders of the body. It has been a standard form of medical treatment in China for at least two thousand years.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that in the normally healthy organism, there is a continuous circulation of energy or life-force. Where the energy fails to circulate as it should, vital organs may suffer from a deficiency or a disturbing excess of this life-force. Illness then results and this, in turn, can cause disorder in the circulation of this energy. So the function of acupuncture is to re-direct and normalize the flow of energy.
Acupuncture can be used to cure or treat a very wide range of diseases and disorders, such as back, neck, facial, shoulder and muscle pain, sciatica, arthritis, headaches, nausea, allergic rhinitis and stroke. It can also be employed to tonify the body, improve sleep, relaxation and to give an enhanced feeling of well-being. As part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture aims to restore and maintain health through the stimulation of specific points (acupuncture points) on the body. It is effective for a wide variety of health problems, and it is virtually free of side effects
Tui na or tuina, is a form of Chinesemanipulative therapy often used in conjunction with acupuncture, moxibustion, fire cupping, Chinese herbalism, t'ai chi, and qigong. Tui na is a hands-on body treatment that uses Chinese taoist and martial arts principles in an effort to bring the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into balance. The therapeutic effects of tuina therapy include dredging meridians and collaterals, moving qi and blood, relaxing tendons and muscles, lubricating joints, and improving functions of the organs and bodily resistance. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press, and rub the areas between each of the joints, known as the eight gates, to attempt to open the body's defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in the meridians and the muscles. The practitioner can then use range of motion, traction, and massage, with the stimulation of acupressure points. The tuina therapy has a wide range of indications, it can aid in treatment of various disorders, such as vertigo, headache, insomnia, epigastric pain, diarrhea, stiff neck, cervical spondylopathy, periarthritis of the shoulder, prolapse of the lumbar intervertebral disc, acute lumbar sprain, injury to muscles and tendons of limbs, stroke sequelae, dysmenorrhea, etc. Today, Tui na is subdivided into specialized treatment for infants, adults, orthopedics, traumatology, cosmetology, rehabilitation, sports medicine, etc.
Zhiya is similar to Tuina, which involves pressing acu-points to stimulate the flow of Qi and blood to facilitate healing. However, it mostly involves pinching and pressing at acupressure points.
This technique is usually good for relieving minor pain and promoting good general health.
Qi Acupressure (a blend of "acupuncture" and "pressure") is a Traditional Chinese Medicine bodywork technique derived from acupuncture. In acupressure, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points on the surface of the body by hand, elbow, or with the aid of various devices, to bring about relief through greater balance and circulation of fluids (blood, lymph) and metabolic energies in the body (heat, qi).
According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, the body has vital energy called "chi" or "qi" that flows along invisible lines of energy flow called meridians. There are thought to be at least 14 meridians connecting our organs with other parts of our body. Acupuncture and acupressure points lie on those meridians. If the flow of qi is blocked at any point on a meridian, it's thought to be the cause of ailments and lead to disease anywhere along the meridian. That's why a practitioner may apply pressure to an acupressure point in the foot to relieve a headache.