People first & putting priority in our client and staff Reliable & consistent in our delivery Inclusive tourism for clients with medical and disabilities to travel in dignify and respectful manner Delightful and exceed our clients’ expectations Efficient and personal in service delivery
SGmedicaltour the first travel agency in Singapore to provide a truly accessible travel package. We ensure hotel rooms, place of visits and transport are truly wheelchair friendly.
Contact us at
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or called +65 6438 0038 to discuss your next accessible travel in the region.
SGmedicaltour provides rental of accessible aids like electronic or manual wheel chair, hoist. Commode and many other accessible aids
SGmedicaltouroffers vehicles with hydraulic lifters to provide comfort and peace of mind for our wheelchair-bound clients. We provide airport transfer services for clients :
“more than 10 years in handling wheelchair”
1 wheelchair-bound+8 passengers
3 wheelchair-bound+4 passengrs
5 wheelchair-bound
SGmedicaltour also cater for passenger car, MPV buses and coaches of all size. Call us at +65.64380038 for details